Thursday, July 27, 2006

Let it Begin...

Well, Nora Ephron's finally got a new book out.
I haven't read it yet, but, yes, I will, and you can be sure I'll sputter a bit and then mouth off about it here.
Now, in the meantime. Let's talk about Rachael Ray a little bit.
I have never seen her show, and I've only skimmed one of her books. But I've read a few articles about her, and I've seen lots of pictures of her, and basically I find her both annoying and stupid -- annoying on a personal impressions level and stupid on a cooking level. (I read one of her fast cooking cookbooks and was appalled. It is so far off the mark, it's a wonder this piece of crap was ever published, and I feel bad that my father in law bought it.)
One thing about her that's annoyed me is this "stoups" thing. "Stoups?" Aw, cut the crap.
But now I feel bad. Last night I'm reading a Peg Bracken book. I love Peg Bracken. This one's the I Hate to Cook Almanack, which I think I last looked at, oh, ten years ago. And there on p. 13, the following:
"Stewp: Any mixture thinner than stew and thicker than soup."
So I'm vexed. Because this annoying woman, Rachael Ray, says pinheaded things that everyone thinks are so cute, and then, this one pinheaded thing, it turns out she didn't even make it up -- she stole it from Peg Bracken, who is really smart and funny and could really write, and who Ray should only wish she had half the appeal of...
So do I write off Bracken now, or what?
I think I'm going to not write her off; I've loved her for too long to stop now. As for Rachael Ray, I don't have the Food Network, so if she gets cancelled I won't really know the difference, but I hope she gets cancelled.

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