Tuesday, June 05, 2007

From Meatballs to Nuts, Part I

There were many homely but tasty items being served chez Edith and Notarius this past Sunday, and I was asked about the preparation of nearly every one of them. We didn’t serve soup, so I can’t say “from soup to nuts,” but we did serve meatballs, and we did place around the house bowls of these sort of candied, sort of savory nuts. So let’s say I was asked about nearly everything we served, from meatballs to nuts.
I found the recipe in the latest edition of The Joy of Cooking, which reads as follows:

1 lb. Unsalted mixed nuts
salt and black pepper, to taste
2 tbs. Butter, melted
3 tbs. Finely chopped rosemary
2 tbs. Brown sugar
2 tbs. Light corn syrup

Basically you stir all this together and then spread the nuts on a baking sheet (put down parchment paper first, please) and bake at 350 for about ten minutes. JoC says seven minutes; I found this insufficient.

I doubled this recipe, which I think turned out to be a bit of a mistake; I think the proportions need to be altered when doubling. I’d lose some of the butter – I think I’d stick to the 2 tablespoonsful, and not double the grease, and maybe lower the amount of corn syrup a bit. The trays I made of these nuts ended up a little gloppier than I’d anticipated, though they were still pretty tasty. Anyway, this is the kind of recipe that can stand a lot of tinkering.

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