Thursday, September 20, 2007

Miss Edith has a Small Moment of Joy

Miss Edith reads GalleyCat from time to time… today she saw this:

Thursday, Sep 20
Will the Book Party Have a Mosh Pit?

File under "Things I Sure Didn't See Coming": If you're of a certain age, you probably remember The Book of Lists and its sequels. You might even remember that Amy Wallace, one of the co-authors on those books, spent a lot of time in the orbit of New Age guru Carlos Castaneda, which she recounted in her memoir, Sorceror's Apprentice. Somewhere along the line, and with the help of former Dictators lead singer Handsome Dick Manitoba, she got from there to The Official Punk Rock Book of Lists. The two have recruited a bunch of celebrities to contribute, from the potentially serious (Nick Tosches' "10 Who Were Punk Before There Was Punk") to the silly (Debbie Harry's "People I'd Like to F ***") to the WTF (Mario Batali on pizzas of the world). Sadly not mentioned in the press release: Jim Carroll's list of people who died.

If no one gets this for Miss Edith for her birthday, whenever it comes out, she will have to eat one of her hats.

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