Friday, May 30, 2008

The Bryn Mawr Bookshop in New Haven

It has finally happened.
The Bryn Mawr Bookshop has closed its New Haven location. My dear friend Patsy Recchia will no longer be stationed behind the counter, dispensing books, cruel wit, and kind words to those who deserve them. Her dog, Zoe, who's a real sweetie, will no longer be coming out from behind the counter to greet the regulars or to curl up on that beat-up old armchair.

I'm sorry to see it go. Miss Edith has logged a lot of hours at the Bryn Mawr Bookshop. Most people here won't know the difference, now that the store is closed, but I know the difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being one of the few to notice -- at least on the web. I just discovered it's closing today & could find no news of it. I am heartbroken.