Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Criterion Collection

Miss Edith is not only a somewhat compulsive proofreader, she's also a fan of the Criterion Collection, which has put out really nice DVDs of so many wonderful movies. True, many of them are not to Miss Edith's taste -- let's face it, anything too arty is gonna just put her to sleep -- but she admires the outfit for its determination, its style, and its taste.

So I was rather distressed when I noticed, in yesterday's New York Times Magazine (actually, today's, now I think about it -- but we get it on Saturdays), an ad for the Criterion Collection's new release of classic 80s arty flick El Norte. Why?

Because they describe it as a "groundbreaking independant film."

Even as I type this into Blogger, the word "independant" gets the program's attention as a typo.

Couldn't some copyeditor, or just... some person have caught this? Because it really makes them look stupid. You'd think that every soul working at the Criterion Collection would know how to spell the word "independent."

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