Friday, May 30, 2008


There isn't much point in apologizing for not having written so much in the last few months. Those of you who know me in real life know that I've been rather busy. To be honest, I'm still rather busy. But these days I'm not as likely to be falling asleep at seven o'clock at night, and, in addition, since I am no longer working any kind of day job, I'm starting to find that I have a small amount of time to devote to keeping Miss Edith's voice out on the airwaves, as Notarius would say... so to speak.

Miss Edith will do her utmost to once again bring you light and joy in small doses now and then... but please be understanding if the posts are erratically timed. Frankly, my entire life is erratically timed these days. But I'm doing the best I can.

I would like to point out that I do know for sure that it is summer: Miss Edith noticed a wasp buzzing around her pristine, sunny kitchen this morning. A better housewife than I would have grabbed some handy aerosol thingy or natural potion to kill the vicious beast. Being Miss Edith, however, I grabbed the first thing I could think of to use to trap it: a shot glass.

I was not effective, and the wasp is still on the loose. But I've left the shot glass out; I think it'll come in handy later on...

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