Friday, March 13, 2009

Hershey's Thingamajig: I'll Take It

Miss Edith is not above gorging herself on chocolate, preferably the kind you buy at drug stores. Some people insist on fancy dark chocolates, and some people will eat milk chocolate as long as it's Swiss or some such nonsense. Miss Edith, however, is happy to eat a Nestle Crunch, a tube of Rolos, or even a Charleston Chew.

Sure thing.

This week, browsing the candy aisle at Walgreen's, I noticed a candy bar I'd never seen before -- a new Hershey product called a Thingamajig. Figuring it was some variant form of a Whatchamacallit, which I enjoy, I glanced at the wrapper to make sure it didn't have anything truly disgusting in it (like some weird fruit flavor -- nothing ruins chocolate for me like the addition of fruit or alcohol) and upon reading that it was a chocolate bar with cocoa crisps and peanut butter, I thought, "All right, then!" and tossed it into my basket.

I've just consumed the Thingamajig and am heartily recommending it to my readers, all three point five of you. Go find this thing. It won't change your life or anything, but it certainly will increase your quality of life while you're eating it.

Thanks, Hershey. Now, would you please figure out how to make and market Chanukkah gelt that doesn't taste godawful?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thingamajig,huh? I just may have to go out and find one . . .

Chanukah gelt is SUPPOSED to taste icky . . .so you're satisfied with just the one bag!

Or perhaps so you can taste it for 8 days? (just a theory)